New Years Resolutions | 2018

It is officially 2018 (can you believe it?) and after a solid 19 years of coming up with New Years resolutions that I fail to keep but this year I'm actually going to go through with them (yeh probs not).

1. Learn two new languages (Defo not gonna happen)

Sign language is something that absolutely blows my mind, we learn a language without hearing it... it's just something I cannot wrap my head around so I really want to learn it.

I also want to learn Polish as my family originate from Poland. It seems like a hard language to learn so if any of these resolutions fail it's most likely going to be this one.

2. Eat Healthier

I am very prone to saying I'm eating healthy and then tuck into a chocolate cake so it's something I need to work on. 

3. Exercise More

I've recently gone back to dancing after three years of not doing it and its made me realise how unfit I am - I need some serious work out routine asap. I think I will just start off by going for walks so I don't feel like I'm going to collapse.

4. Get out of my comfort zone

Whilst I am quite outgoing I am also extremely introverted and absolutely hate going out most of the time, so this year I want to change this and start going out or doing things that I would not ordinarily do.

5. Get off my phone

It's no secret I'm addicted to my phone. It's a bad habit that I have and it annoys me how much I rely on the thing, I need to cut down my screen time.

What are your new year resolutions ?

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