Season One
The first season, when I first watched it, was okay. I have never been into sci-fi so for me it was a completely new experience, I didn't know how to take to it however, once watching the series again I was completely hooked, I loved it. The children in the show are ridiculously talented, at only 12-15 years old they really brought a lot of emotion to the show.
The 80s theme is an excellent choice, the costumes, the music, the overall mise-en-scene was perfection. It really makes you, as an audience feel like you're in the 80s. I think it really works for the show and as said in the 'Beyond Stranger Things' series, available on Netflix, if it was set in the current time they would have to completely re work the show; I just don't think it would have the same feel.
The series as a whole was SO well written and inventive. I really believe that anyone would like the show. I'm not going to go into detail because of spoilers for any of you that have been living under a rock.
Season Two
WOOOOOOW. The second series is AMAZING. The cinematography has really been stepped up for this series, as well as the special effects. The character development has progressed as the actors have got slightly older, especially with Mike. Introduction of new characters have brought more action, we see Steve meet his match at school and Lucas and Dustin catch feels for a girl. Barbs family finally learn the truth #justiceforbarb. Honestly, I just cannot get enough.
If you want to learn more about the series please go and watch 'Beyond Stranger Things'!!
Image from : http://thenerdstash.com/stranger-things-characters-season-1/
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